Dupont Stonetech

STONETECH® Professional tile and stone care and maintenance products are innovative, easy-to-use solutions to protect and preserve stone against the damaging effects of everyday living. With a complete line of products to protect, clean and transform stone surfaces, LATICRETE® will help ensure the beauty of natural stone and tile countertops, floors, walls and other installations for generations to come.

StoneTech’s solutions for stone and natural tile care come in three categories:

PROTECT:  All natural stone is porous to some degree.  If not properly treated with a protective sealer, stains can occur.  The good news is that once treated with a protective sealer, natural stone, tile, masonry and trout are ready for carefree, everyday use.

CLEAN:  When cleaning natural stone and tile, it’s important to use cleaners specially formulated for those surfaces. Many general purpose cleaners can break down sealers and damage stone surfaces.  StoneTech cleaners are carefully formulated by scientists specifically for stone care.

TRANSFORM:  Beyond protecting and cleaning natural stone, sometimes you want to transform the surface to achieve a desired look.  From color enhancing, polishing, shining or adding a gloss finish – StoneTech’s Transform products meet your needs.

Inside Support
Debra Sigel: 855-252-0663

PaperStone, IceStone & Spectrum Stone
Rae Grafe: 619-392-4512

Tile & Porcelain Slabs (Nor Cal)
Dandy Buckley: 415-720-8558

Tile & Porcelain Slabs (So Cal)
Rae Grafe: 619-392-4512

Cynde Morris
Senior Architectural Consultant
San Francisco & North Bay

Rae Grafe
Architectural Consultant
Southern California

Inside Support